I had this Dress that was to big and just didn't look great on but the fabric and the embroidery on it was so cute I just had to use it for Something! So since my Sister Sarah is having a baby girl in June it was only obvious that a piece of this dress would go to her. So I picked out some yellow with tiny flowers and added the embroidered part to the bottom and there you go. A 0-3 month Skirt for baby yet to be named!
Living in a 50 yr old house bring us new ways to be creative my latest one was our ugly sink in the bathroom. Its a stand alone sink and I hate seeing the trash can underneath it. So I made this skirt to cover it up. I had some fabric left over from a curtain from IKEA that I used for the bottom, then I pieced together the top with some coordinating fabric that matches my shower curtain. I simply attached the skirt with velcro and there you go. I dont love it because of the dumb towel bars that poke out on the sides. I do like that I cant see the trash anymore though!
I have a window I feel like everyone can see me through when Im in the kitchen. I wanted a curtain but something light and short. I found some fabric that went with my colors and decided on piecing it. I just cut 5 inch strips and sewed them together. Hemmed all the sides, added rickrack to the top to put the curtain rod through and there you go! Simple and cute! I now wish I would have made the strips double the length so the curtain would have ruffled more but Im still learning and figuring out how to be creative so its what it is for now.
I've been major obsessed with Yard sales and thrift stores lately, then you add in my love for changing up my house and you get lots of decorating and re-decorating!!! Here are some as of late. My new Sewing Table Chair:
I got this chair from the thrift store it was regularly $5 but 50% off so I scored and only paid $2.50. I had some Krylon ballet slipper pink spray paint and some Fabric I got in the remnants pile at Joanns that was originally $25 a yard but on discount I got it for $1 a yard! 3 yards for $3 of high quality home decor fabric, cant beat that! I sanded the chair really well then used the Krylon white primer then did one coat of the ballet slipper, I ran out of paint so I waited 24 hours to do the other coat (like the can told me to) but I think the humidity did something and it caused the paint to get all crackly in spots. It was ok since I was planning on distressing it anyway but I will for sure do the second coat right away next time. I covered the chair pad easy peasy with my new staple gun.
Pictures of my sewing DESK to Come. after I re-paint it :)