If you don't know what a Smash book is, here's a video:
Catchy right? Ok so I love the concept. I've started to do this for my personal journal - you know all those sayings we keep pinning on pinterest?
I just print them off - mini style- and tape them into my journal. They usually have some meaning toward things in my life - I mean they're realitive enough for me to pin them right?
I also smash small pics, ticket stubs, memos, notes, what ever fits with that entry. It's kind of an original scrapbook - you know old school style - with more writing than anything else. For great inspiration, just search smash book on pinterest - awesome!
I also do it for my scripture/gospel study. Here is a great resource for setting up a scripture journal and how to size documents to tape into your journal.
Now I can't just sit there smashing everything while my kids are getting into my 'stuff' can I? So I got them their own Smash books too:
I just bought composition books on clearance and let them cut and glue and color what ever they want. It has repeatedly entertained them for hours - no joke! If only I had known this forever ago :)!
So here's to smashing!
i love these ideas... also the smash books can be small enough to keep in a case in case of fire or something. grab the case. i'll never be able to grab my scrapbooks. :(