
Another form of Journaling

Source: flickr.com via Sarah on Pinterest
Source: flickr.com via Lorna on Pinterest

Ok so I love calendar journaling and I did it for years. In high school my best friend started writing down everything we/she did on her wall calendar in her bedroom. It rocked so I started doing it in my Franklin planner, on the monthly pages. I did it all through high school, college and my mission. It's so fun to pull them out and look back on things I've done that I would never remember other wise. Like dates that totally sucked and are very laugh worthy now and great girls' night out moment too.

I'm taking it up again, it's a quick way to record events and I can go back to journal more later too if I want to.  Plus I'll be able to remind the kids of things we did when they complain as adults of never doing anything - cause that's bound to happen :).

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