
Friday Faves: Coconut Oil

Source: amazon.com via Sarah on Pinterest

I am in love with Coconut oil.  I've been using it for skin care for about 6 months now, and I am totally impressed.  I use it to shave, to wash my face,  remove eye makeup, a hair mask and as a lotion.  I can have sensitive skin and this doesn't bother me at all.  It comes in a solid form but the minute you touch it it melts into an oil.  In the summer this isn't a problem because mine is always melted from the heat of my house.  In the winter though it can be too hard and so lucky for me I came across this solution on Pinterest:

You just whip it - ya whip it real good - ok so I just throw a cup of the oil (in solid form) in my mixer and turn it on high. After a couple of minutes it's like mousse or body butter.  I put it in a jar and it doesn't harden again.  It also makes the oil last a lot longer.  I use it in this form for everything.

I also love to mix it with baking soda as a light face and body scrub - everything feels sooo soft afterward!  I've read that you can use this mix for a toothpaste too - but I'm not quite up to that yet.  I can't wait to test this on my kids' eczema.  Did I mention that I love it.

1 comment:

  1. I use it as a toothpaste....with baking soda, glycerin & peppermint as flavoring. Does a good job. No foaming. Try it!!
    Good to know about the whipping. I'll do that this weekend!! My dogs love it!!
