
Stockings are Hung

I have our traditional Christmas stuff in our basement family room.  The kids got to decorate the tree and help me put up the decor.  Is it really sad that all the decor I've been using for the past 8 years fits on one wall shelf and tree?  Oh well the kids love having their own to do.  I wanted to share how I hung my stockings:
In years past I used my board with hooks to hang all our stockings, but this year that hook thingy is up in the kitchen with aprons on it.  I really didn't want to buy 5 stocking hangers because that can add up quick...so I bought 2, at Walmart for $5 and then I painted a $2 dowel to match and hung all the stockings that way.  I saw the idea on Pinterest here and here.  You could use a curtain rod or painted pvc pipe too...

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