Since said 16 month old is now a toddler and a bit of a handful at times, especially in situations like church I decided I needed to do something new for our church bag. The cars I had in the bag for him were not cutting it and so NOT quiet. I found this via Pinterest, and knew that would be the perfect idea.
So I gathered things we already had at home and bought 6 pouches for 97 cents a piece at walmart.
Lacing dress up Dolls (did I mention I have 4 yr old Daughter too?)
Dry erase board and Crayons. I stuck in a microfiber wipe to wipe off the crayon.
More gender nuetral lacing cards
Lottle notebooks, fun pens, rubber stamps, and stickers
Finger puppets
Velcro fabric dress up dolls.
I also have little puzzles, lacing beads, little plastic animals, matching games, tiny books that I switch out week to week. There are endless ideas of things to fill these bags with. So far it has worked great and my kids are occupied and quiet ;)
these are a great idea. would be fun for in the car or anywhere too