
Semi-Homemade Christmas: Mad Scientist

My oldest loves science - so I decided to put together a Mad Scientist kit. I found this book with great reviews on amazon:

That with a set of these beakers:

Is the base of the kit.  I decided to follow Making the World Cuter's tutorial for a lab coat... I used a men's dress shirt to make this. (I forgot to take a picture of mine before wrapping it, oops).  



Semi-Homemade Christmas: Hair Stylist

We're doing a simple Christmas this year, so I'm making part of my kids gifts.  I'm really excited to share with you what we've done. First up is my little girl. 
My daughter loves to fix hair. Whenever I am at the sewing machine she is on my chair behind me brushing my hair to "make me pretty".   She also repeats all the things I say to her when I brush her hair like, "this is a bad snarl so be tough..." She was the easiest present to come up with: A hair stylist kit. 
First I went searching for the toys, a blow dryer that makes sound and a flat iron that changes the color of the special hair clips, plus scissors and a comb. This cute one I found at Toys-R-Us for $16. 

Then I went to work sewing up her apron. Don't you love zebra print with hot pink?  I used a vintage pattern I found at the thrift store, Simplicity 7064. It's the same pattern I used for the medical kit I made my niece in August. 

I also whipped up this cutting cape for her doll. Now she can practice on dolly all she wants, well once we get the ratted mess out of her hair.
I grabbed a tote similar to this one at the Dollar Tree added a mini spray bottle, travel size (empty) shampoo and conditioner bottles and a couple hair accessories. This way the entire gift can be stored in the bag for future play time. I love self contained presents :)!